1 / Intake Form
Fill out the Baker Intake Form. Everyone is welcome to join, whether you are a professional or an at-home enthusiast, we would love to have you. Please note that if you’re under 18, you’ll need to volunteer under the supervision of an adult who has also signed up as a volunteer.
2 / Activate PlanHero account
A day or two after you fill out the Baker Intake Form , you’ll get an invitation* directly from our scheduling site PlanHero. Follow the instructions to create a login and join our group. Joining PlanHero is FREE and it’s where you will choose specific opportunities to sign up to volunteer for. For help activating your membership with PlanHero 2.0, check out this handy video.
You'll automatically be added to our weekly newsletters so you can learn about upcoming events and organizational news.
*This is a manual process and we appreciate your patience as a Steering Committee Member reviews your intake form and sends the invite.)