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Colorful Macarons
Sugared Cookies

Welcome, we’re so glad to be working with you! 

If at any time you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.

We welcome requests for any baked goods and any occasion that helps us fulfill our mission of supporting our neighbors in inclusive community. We are happy to bake for both individuals and organizations, on a one-time or recurring basis.

Please first review the detailed below and then submit a request for baked goods


Please note, we cannot bake for any fundraising events and that we do not accept requests for the months of August and December.

1 / Submit your events

Whether you’ve worked with us before or not, the first step is always to fill out the request form. We ask for at least two weeks of notice for events of fewer than 100 people and four weeks for larger events. We are a network of volunteers and rely on them to sign up to bake for events in their home kitchens, so we need some lead time to advertise your event. Recurring events are welcome!


In addition to groups and events, we also accept requests for individuals and families. Examples include requesting baked goods to welcome a refugee family or to celebrate moving someone into permanent housing from a shelter.


(Please note that we do not accept requests for the months of August and December )

2 / Review our waiver

You’ll be asked every time you submit a request to confirm that you’ve reviewed our waiver for partners. This is a requirement of our fiscal sponsor and insurers. 

3 / Work with our steering committee to get your event posted

You’ll hear from a member of our steering committee usually within a few days of your request. They’ll ask any final questions before they post your event. If you have requested to be a co-organizer on our sign up platform, PlanHero, they’ll provide instructions at that time as well.


TIP: The more flexible the drop-off window, the easier it is for us to recruit volunteers. If nights/weekends are an option (even at a different location), that’s great!  Many of our partners choose to have a daytime option at their office and an evening option at a staff person's home.

4 / Volunteers sign up for your event

If you’re a co-organizer on PlanHero, you’ll be able to monitor when volunteers sign up and may communicate with them directly. If you do not choose this role, a steering committee member will contact you at least a week in advance of your event only if we are unable to fill the volunteer spots. 

5 / Coordinate delivery with your volunteers

Unless you provide different instructions, you should expect to hear from the volunteers that have signed up for your event approximately a week before to coordinate their drop-off. If you have any changes to the delivery instructions, you can communicate them directly to the volunteers if you’re a co-organizer in PlanHero, or email us directly and we’ll update the volunteers.

6 / Provide confirmation of delivery

After your event, please take a few minutes to fill out our quick feedback form that lets us know you’ve received your baked goods. If you have any photos from the event you’d like to share or kind words for our volunteers, this is the time to do so! 

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